Let Us Train You
How to search and preserve digital evidence

How to search and preserve digital evidence
We specialize in training sworn and non-sworn government personnel. We have trained thousands of government employees over the past 10 years with our cost-effective training. Police officers, sheriff’s deputies, probation officers, parole agents, correctional personnel, military personnel, I.T. staff, state revenue agents, state police, arson investigators and federal agents have all attended our innovative course
E-Kit Training's objective is to promote community safety by aiding all government employees in the basic recognition, recovery, and preservation of digital evidence. From probation monitoring of high risk “sex offenders” to investigative “knock and talk” situations. Our training techniques and tools serve as a guide for the employee who maybe tasked with the review and recognition of digital evidence during the day-to-day responsibilities of their job.
Our training staff is comprised of experienced current and retired law enforcement. Our trainers have experience as key note speakers in the area of computer forensics, litigation experience and teaching at the college level. Our training guidelines and educational practices are a combination of standards recommended by the U.S. Secret Service, the (NIJ) National Institute of Justice, the (RCFL) Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory, (NLECTC) National Law Enforcement Corrections Technology Center and a multitude of software development partners. We outline commonly used practices and procedures for submitting evidence to local, state & federal agencies for forensic assistance. We provide and discuss the use of MD5/ SHA hashing tools to aid in image identification and data base comparison. Example: U.S. Postal Inspector’s Service and the (NCMEC) National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
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dbriscoe@ekitsupply.com, 815-245-8476, fax 815-893-6677
E-Kit Training and Supply
2003 Swinford Road
McHenry, IL 60050