Patrolman/ Detectives/ Federal Agents: Officers use “Field Search Software” during the initial phases of an investigation to determine if a computer has relevant case information. Previewing the computer’s hard drive will frequently substantiate evidence of a crime. Examined peripheral devices (USB drives, CD’s, external hard drives, tablets, SD, Micro-Sims Cards, multi-card readers, etc.) may also provide critical case information. Field Search Software will pre-view the computer video’s (still frame critical events), collect images in a gallery viewer, recover archived chat logs, examine browser history, document registry information, view documents, and easily merge this information into a detailed court worthy report. The zipping tool allows for the copying and exporting of the critical information from the target computer back to the USB. Law Enforcement uses Field Search Software to keep our communities safe across the country for probation monitoring, parole supervision, sex offender monitoring, knock and talks, search warrants, and administrative oversight. A great tool for gathering intelligence, uncovering counterterrorism activities, or just sharing information.
School Resource Officers: SRO’s and school administrators may use FS to review the digital information being stored on school-issued tablets or computers. FS is a powerful tool used to quickly and efficiently search computer equipment and determine if devices were used by students outside, or against, school usage policies. Did the computer download banned images, music, or access prohibited social media sites? For more information see the attached link:
Narcotic/ Gang Officer- Search for a suspect phone number, name, street address, e-mail addresses, financial account numbers, bank routing numbers, social media information- artifacts, chats history, photos, videos, search for UPS shipments via tracking numbers, or scanned U.S. Postal email service letters. Examine chat activity for Skype, Windows Live, ICQ and Yahoo Messenger.